July 1, 2024
6 min read

July is Sales Season!

Matt Fruge
Founder and CEO

July is a lucrative time for roofing companies. The weather may be more predictable with spring storms in our rear view, but there are numerous things you can do to ensure your business makes the most of the summer sales season. 

Here’s what we suggest: 

Do a deep dive into your financial statements. 

July is a great time to see where your roofing business stands. A deep dive into your financial statements can also help you get organized for the invoicing and processing to come. 

  • Review your profit statement to see where you’re at and how you’re managing operational costs as you enter your busiest season. 
  • Review your cash flow statements to see where your business is efficient and what your outlook is for starting new jobs. 
  • Take a look at your balance sheet to determine your summer goals and where you need to offset spending. 

Submit your Q2 financials to SquareDash for a claim funding limit review. 

Help us help you. Now that you’ve done your financials for Q2, send them our way so we can review your claim funding limit. We’re all about increasing that cash flow.

Initiate a full-court press on supplementing.

Make sure you supplement reliably on the front and back end of every job. Your customer deserves a high-quality, well-built roof, so don’t skip this step. We all know that if you don’t ask an insurance company for an allowance, they won’t provide it. 

If you know your job is going to incur additional costs for code items, for example, supplement on the front end. If unexpected materials are required on the day of production, don’t let your sales team forget to write the supplement and deliver it to your office team. 

Collect. Collect. Collect. 

If you have any outstanding balances on property owner invoices, it’s important to push to collect those checks as soon as possible.  Those checks are key to setting up your cash reserves for the off season that’ll be here before we know it. Just because you’re busy building doesn’t mean you can slack on or leave those follow-ups for another day. Get those invoices paid in full. 

Request claim funding on completed jobs. 

Once a job is complete, it’s eligible for depreciation claim funding. We all know these are the hardest and most time-consuming checks to get insurance companies to turn over, but SquareDash is here to help. We’ll do all the calling and also put money in your bank account while you wait. 

Don’t stop selling. 

If you’ve been invoicing proactively, supplementing fully, and maximizing your cash flow with claim funding, you’ll have plenty of money available in the bank to take on even more jobs. Sell, sell, sell this summer season. Keep up your marketing efforts and watch those margins soar.

Ask happy customers for referrals. 

Credibility that comes with word-of-mouth marketing and referrals is still incredibly effective for roofing businesses, so don’t be afraid to solicit testimonials and introductions from happy property owners. Past, present, whatever. As long as they’re happy with your work, ask for referrals. If you read our May blog, they already know they might be getting the call to put in a good word. 

How can we help? 

When you’re busier than ever, the last thing you want to worry about is not having the cash to start a job. Don’t wait for insurance checks to come through. We’re here to boost that cash flow and get your crews to as many jobs as possible. 

Reach out to us for a demo of the SquareDash system and experience the difference for your business. 

About SquareDash

SquareDash is a fintech platform built by roofers for roofers. We’re resolving the broken financial system that roofers deal with every day by providing appropriate cash flow to help you get the job done. No more waiting on insurance checks. Learn more at www.SquareDash.com.

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